
"never forget to be patient with yourself, that some sacrifices are better then others and to be happy now that the "why" of the gospel will uplift you and that your Heavenly Father loves you."
-president dieter f. uchtdorf

Friday, February 8, 2013

in service....

This is something that has been on my mind for a while now.
How can I better serve those around me?
Trust me, I think about this daily.
How can I be more Christlike to others.

Some how i have gotten into my head that service is this big grandiose thing.
That to serve you need to go somewhere and be someone.
We have heard all the beautiful stories of those that give of themselves for others.
Those who sacrifice themselves to teach others the gospel.
Those who give of themselves when others are sick.
Those who are constantly thinking about others.

In my life right now I can not leave to go help others as easily as I would like to.
I am not able to devote my time to thinking about others because right now I am a mother.
As i have prayed and talked to my Father in Heaven about my worries that I am so consumed with myself, I realized that my family is just as important as any other person i can serve.
I look at all the new Sister Missionaries who are so excited to get out and serve and I feel bad about myself because i never had that opportunity, I just remember that my children are just as important and teaching them is my mission.... one that never ends.

As i sit here holding my sick baby and realize that daily I have opportunities to serve and become Christlike.

If all i ever do in this life is be a mother, if all i ever do is hold sick children, cook dinners, teach about Jesus and clean constantly, then that is enough.

The Lord knows what i can become. He knows every desire of my Heart.
Even the ones that I can't quite express.

As i come closer to my Father in Heaven I realize that he is all I need, and the spirit fills every longing.

So for those moms who feel like they are not doing enough or they are not enough I am hear to tell you that is you love your kids and you show them then you are showing your Father in Heaven that you love Him.

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