as a child growing up my favorite memories where the ones that we did as a family daily, weekly, or yearly. traditions are beautiful and they bring a family closer.
i want to write down a few of our traditions so i don't forget.
1. every night before the kids go to bed we sing primary songs. my kids love this. they love singing and preforming for us. i try to video tape it once in a while and when they watch themselves they laugh hysterically.
2. every friday we have family movie night. the kids take turns picking out a movie.... it could be from our collection, the library or netflix. I make pizza and i let the kids watch while eating on the floor. They love it! for some reason the movie is more enjoyable when mom and dad are watching.
3. saturday night if neal and i are not able to go out for a date then we have date night at home. we put the kids to bed early.... (shhhh don't tell them!) and break out the "good" food. you know the stuff you hid so that your kids don't see it and want to eat it. :) usually it is hamburgers because that is Neal's favorite, but sometimes it is something fancy. right now my kids are at the point where they all sleep through the night so Neal and I can have more alone time.
4. sunday we do a couple traditions. we have FHE on Sundays because of Neal's school and work schedule. Growing up i always had family home evening on sunday's so it is normal to me. after FHE and dinner we watch America's Funniest Home Videos. That is seriously my kids favorite show! They sit and laugh and laugh. I know they love when we are all together and enjoying each other's company.
5. Once a month we try to take the kids to do something fun.... sometimes it is seasonal like the pumpkin farm in october and the festival of trees in November. I have great memories of doing things with my family and I want my kids to feel loved and enjoy being together.
I love traditions. Someday my kids will read this and remember all the good times that we had as a family and that their parents enjoyed being with them.
Christmas is a time for traditions and spending time with family. What are some of your traditions? As our family gets older the kids are getting more excited and participating more in the activities and I would love to see what other families do and get ideas!
via stephmodo |
isn't this picture beautiful?
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