
"never forget to be patient with yourself, that some sacrifices are better then others and to be happy now that the "why" of the gospel will uplift you and that your Heavenly Father loves you."
-president dieter f. uchtdorf

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

the simple life

this is something that i have been thinking about for a while....

being who you are and loving it.

in this world we are so obsessed with stuff. we need more stuff, we need better stuff and the more stuff we have the better people we will be. i hate feeling this way. i hate feeling like i need stuff, or at least better stuff.

who cares what car we drive, what kind of house we live in, what we wear, or anything we have in our house for that matter. it doesn't really matter. i have known this all through my life but the past couple month it is has really sunk in.

it does not matter what clothes i wear, what my hair cut it is, what i am driving in, what i live in.... i know i am repeating myself but it is something i really believe. maybe it is because i am getting older but all the things that mattered to me when i was younger really don't anymore. i just want to be me and not worry about what others think of me, or how they are judging me. you really can not judge someone just on what you see on the outside anyway. i used to be so afraid some was judging me by what i drove, what i wore, what i lived in and how i decorated it. now i do not care. I am me and that is all the matters anyway in the end. how i treat people and how i take care of my family are what is important.

i truly believe that simpler that we live our lives the happier we will be. the more we make our family and friends more important then our stuff the closer to Heavenly Father we become. of course i am not perfect on this... there are so many things that i would love and "need" and absolutely have to have! i am really trying to simplify my life more everyday. things that may seem important at the time i have to sit and think "is it really?" I know without a doubt that my children will benefit from this and will be much happier.

i have also learned about loving myself the way i am.
i have talked about this before and i feel like this is so important. some thing hit me today and the more we love ourselves i mean really truly love ourselves the more we are able to love others. i have been taught this since i was a little girl but i never saw for what it meant. I always wondered how loving myself would help me love others more? it was so confusing to me. but now i understand! i understand that by loving myself the way i am helps me love others they way they are.

I am still working on it and i have a long way to go but i have a strong testimony of this. i know that the more i love myself the more i feel love from my Savior and Father in Heaven for who i am and what i am doing in this life and the more i love others for who they are. and also the more love i am able to give. it is amazing how it works that way. i am a little slow i guess at figuring this out but i am grateful that i have learned this.

i am not a good poet and i do not claim to have a wonderful talent for writing but it is a way that i can express my feelings. this is for you mom, who wanted me to write more


when i look in that mirror

the mirror into heaven

i see me

no not the girl in the mirror

nor how the world sees beauty

the me i really am

the me i want to see

she is not there everyday

i have to search to find her

but i can see the real me

the me who is a mother

the me who is a daughter

the me who is a wife

the me who is a sister and friend

i see all my flaws and weaknesses

and love myself anyway

but most of all

i see the me my savior sees

and that is the me i want to be

beautiful in his sight

the me i am meant to be

if you are reading this note i want to thank you for being a wonderful example to me and being my friend. you have helped me learn to love myself.

I am wonderful and amazing and so are you!

Love your friend,


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